Our Capabilities:

Digital Transformation

Advanced IT has transformed your opportunity to collect and analyse vast quantities of data to give insights into your customers, operations and suppliers.

Your competitors are already disrupting your business through doing business in different ways using advanced IT - we can help you do the same, applying:

  • Mobile devices
  • Cloud-based services
  • AI technology
  • Machine Learning techniques
  • Big Data insights

Our wide range of projects covers manufacturing to healthcare.

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Digital Healthcare

The demands on  healthcare systems are spiralling up and up, so it’s essential that waste is eliminated and efficiency increased, while boosting effectiveness. Digital technology is playing a vital part in understanding health conditions and how best to treat them.

Our first step was to introduce Astra-Zeneca’s drug discovery team to data mining technology. Later we led the successful implementation of AI symptom checkers for the NHS.

Currently, we are working with organisations including UK Biobank (who have rich data) and OpenClinical CIC (who publish computer-executable healthcare knowledge) to 'join up the pieces', integrating data collection, data analysis and knowledge dissemination.

The critical issue facing the use of technology in healthcare is patient safety, so we have been probing the strengths and weaknesses of machine learning versus knowledge engineering.

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Transforming performance with technology

In post merger/acquisition, the “quick win” is usually to rationalize central services like Finance, Legal and HR, making staff redundant and cutting salary costs. Integration of operations and customer service is a different matter, involving detailed knowledge of the services and products the companies provide, often unknown to those setting the targets!

We work with clients to identify the fine details needed to design a successful integration approach.

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Revitalising digital projects

Revitalising a digital project involves reviewing and revising:

  • True business needs
  • Target vision, and what success looks like
  • Technology and supplier performance

We provide impartial assessment, and where necessary, we help to restructure the team and put in place the disciplines, reporting mechanisms and controls needed.

We change the project culture from "blame and failure" to "aiming for success".

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Transforming business performance

through technology

Dynamic Technologies LtdFrom Chaos to Control