Transforming Performance

Successful digital transformation doesn’t happen just by itself!

It needs effective leadership as well as management. Leading successful transformation requires:

We have extensive experience of leading successful innovative change projects, and we help our clients’ staff in applying the same insights and disciplines.

Mergers and acquisitions offer a great opportunity for digital transformation.

Digital integration approaches are principally:

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1 > “Might is Right”

Most commonly, the acquired organization’s business is migrated to the standards of the acquirer.


The big challenge here is that the acquired staff, who have already had their numbers reduced by redundancy, will feel devalued.

Our key skills in supporting this type of integration include:

  • Team-building and leadership
  • Requirements management
  • Business readiness planning and preparation
  • Project management

Relevant Integration Experiences:

  • THUS PLC & YourComms (now Vodafone)
  • Royal London
  • Apollo Global & BPP
  • BP & Amoco
  • Tata Steel (British Steel and Hoegovens)

Case Study: Post merger integration of billing

After merger/acquisition, the “quick win” is usually to rationalize central services like Finance, Legal and HR, making staff redundant and cutting salary costs, but then comes integration of operations, especially Customer Service. This involves detailed knowledge of the services and products the companies provide, often unknown to those setting the targets!

Here, Dynamic Technologies was engaged to integrate the billing of Your Communications (YC) with THUS PLC.

We  successfully moved over the first customers less than 3 months later. As a consequence we were retained to manage the complete programme.

Minimizing customer loss drove a customer-centric approach to migration, designing the customer experience first, before the migration plan (to the delight of the customer service manager).

Stakeholders represented every part of the business except field engineers, requiring a complex communications and stakeholder management plan, with regular stakeholder communications. Success resulted from creating a project ethos of “can do”. This ethos was successfully extended to suppliers suffering from payment backlogs and termination of contracts.


Successfully migrated all customers from legacy billing systems, billing processes, customer care processes and products to the THUS-standard systems and processes, completing on plan, within budget. No customers were lost as a result of the migration.

Customer comments

THUS PLC (now part of Vodafone)

“An exceptional leader on a major billing project migration, managing an entire base of telecoms customers from two platforms to one platform, following an acquisition. I was highly impressed with his project management skills, but also his leadership style and dogged determination to complete successfully.”

From Chaos to Control Dynamic Technologies Ltd

© Dynamic Technologies Ltd 2021

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